3 Books You Should Read Today if you Suffer from a Hormonal Imbalance

It’s estimated that over 80% of women in the United States suffer from some sort of hormonal imbalance. Thanks to the insane amount of chemicals and added hormones found in our food, beauty products, and household cleaners, women are surrounded by more endocrine disruptors than ever before. Issues like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and endometriosis are rampant, and hysterectomies are currently the second most common surgery among women in the United States; what’s worse is the fact that, according to some experts, two-thirds of those hysterectomies are unnecessary.

Whether you’re suffering from “minor” imbalances, like PMS, bad menstrual cramps, and acne, or you’ve been diagnosed with a severe condition like PCOS and suffer from insulin resistance and hirsutism (male pattern hair growth in women caused by high levels of androgens in the blood stream), there’s HOPE for healing. These resources have helped thousands of women get their life back and their hormones under control WITHOUT surgery and medication.

1.      WomanCode and FLO Living 
Alisa Vitti, author of the WomanCode and creator of FLO Living, is a hormone GURU. She cured herself of debilitating PCOS with diet and a plan she coined as “cycle syncing.” Her book WomanCode is full of invaluable information on the female menstrual cycle and the INCREDIBLE role that our endocrine system has in basically every aspect of our life. If you’re a woman with or without hormonal issues, you need this book. Vitti also has an awesome app called MyFLO and a website/blog filled with awesome (FREE!) info. Check her out!

2.      PCOS Diva
Run by another PCOS sufferer, Amy Medling, PCOS Diva is an awesome site filled with tips and tricks on taking control of your hormonal health. She also recently published a book featuring her 21-Day healing plan for PCOS stocked full of information on regaining control over your health without artificial hormones and surgery.

3.      The Hormone Cure and The Hormone Reset Diet
A national best selling author and beloved by women all over the world (perhaps most notably by the ever-glowing Gwyneth Paltrow), Dr. Sara Gottfried offers a revolutionary take on the role that nutrition plays in our hormonal health. The Hormone Reset Diet will do more than help you regulate your hormonal imbalances; Dr. Gottfried promises to help women of all ages achieve increased energy, resilience, vitality, and sensuality through science-based natural therapies… AND she boasts that you can lose up to 15 lbs In 21 days by following her plan.


Many of our clients suffer from hormonal imbalances. If you're looking for additional support with hormonal issues, please don't hesitate to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. More than anything, we want you all to be your healthiest, happiest, BEST selves.


Sending you love!!



The Simply Crystal Team